Mental health
We believe that with the right care and support, people living with mental health conditions can lead active, independent lives and play an active part in their local community. Our mental health services provide person-centred support for people living with a range of mental health conditions.
people helped through our
mental health services in 2023

Our caring and qualified teams of dementia specialists and support workers support people to live well with dementia. We currently provide dementia care and support to hundreds of people across the country.
people took part in our
dementia cafés last year

Learning disabilities
We can help people to achieve their goals, have greater control over their lifestyle and enjoy a healthy and inclusive life. Our interactive and activity-based learning supporst individuals to learn independent living skills, participate in activities that they enjoy and play an active part in their local community.
people with learning
disabilities were supported
through our services in 2023

Older people
At Making Space, we understand that our ageing population has very specific needs when it comes to help and care. Our range of services for older people offers a personalised level of support which adapts as individual needs change over time.
older people used our day
services last year

Help for carers
Being a carer can affect your health, leave you feeling isolated and often means you need to put your own life on hold. At Making Space we understand the stress and pressures of being a carer.
carers were supported through
services in 2023

Young carers
We offer services to young carers between the ages of 5 and 18 years old are identified and provided with support in their caring role. Support will be provided from a dedicated young carers support worker and to help them in all aspects of life and their caring role.